The Power of Our Choices

Dangers of DUI


According to, in 2020, 11,654 people died in alcohol impaired driving related deaths. This means that every day in the year 2020 about 32 people died in the United States as a result of a drunk driving car crash. That is on average, one person dying every 45 minutes.

Drunk driving is not only a bad choice, but it is a criminal act which yields tremendous damage and life-changing effects to everyone involved and their loved ones. The worst part is that all of these deaths were 100% preventable.

Most people who drive under the influence of alcohol are only thinking about themselves and their own desires. They tend to only think in the moment and forget about the possible consequences that their choice to drink and drive could cause. They tend to suffer from character flaws such as pride and arrogance which creates false beliefs (e.g., “I am a good drunk driver”; “I will never hurt or kill someone in a car crash”; “I will never be in that situation, it would never happen to me.”)

As the statistics states, one person dies every 45 minutes in the United States because of drunk driving. That means that every 45 minutes, countless lives are negatively impacted and forever changed. Every 45 minutes victims are created because of someone else’s bad choice.

The impact and magnitude of the choice to drive intoxicated is never-ending and never-ceasing. There are people who will never get the opportunity to live out their future goals and aspirations. The people killed in these preventable crashes have families and loved ones whose lives will never be the same. There will always be an open seat at holiday gatherings with family and friends. The pain, suffering, and sorrow experienced by these innocent people who have been victimized will be with them for the rest of their lives. These are all the people who are directly affected by this horrible choice to drink and drive.

People who are indirectly affected by this irresponsible choice are the eyewitnesses, first responders, news coverage teams, the community, and everyone who hears about the incident. These drunk driving deaths steal people’s sense of safety, peace and instill fear into their lives. The negative impact is never ceasing.

Also, the person who committed the crime and their family are negatively affected, their lives will never be the same. There is nothing that person could do to restore the life or lives that they have stolen. The remorse and regret will be with them for the rest of their life. They will be arrested and prosecuted. Their family will suffer from shame and remorse. They will have to visit their loved one behind bars, their lives will never be the same.

This huge and negative impact on so many lives is a result of an individual's selfish and reckless choice. If that person thought of others before themselves, they would have never chosen to drink and drive which puts so many people’s lives at risk.

By mapping out our choices and seeing the potential consequences of our actions, we can make better decisions. Simply, do not drive under the influence. If you are going out and alcohol will be readily available, please have a plan on how you are going to get there and home safely. Our choices sometimes bear consequences that could never be rectified; think of others before yourself.

Let's do our part to lower these statistics and not create any more victims to these senseless, selfish, and irresponsible choices.