The Power of Our Choices

Our Choices...



At the core of our choices lies the satisfaction of our desires. The influencing factor of our choices is to satisfy a desire we are experiencing in that moment. For example, when you are hungry you choose to eat to satisfy your hunger. When you sleep late you are choosing to satisfy the desire of rest. When you hang out with your friends you are choosing to satisfy the desire of companionship.

People are often unaware of the CONSEQUENCES of our choices. Consequences are the outcomes of the choices we make which could either yield a positive or a negative result. While our choices may produce what we feel is a positive outcome for ourselves may conversely harm another. Therefore our choices must be made with careful consideration.

Negative Examples:

Positive Examples:

Those are just a few examples of the potential consequences of the impact of our choices. Most people are unaware that the result of every bad choice, creates victims. People do not choose to be victims and yet they are negatively impacted through the selfishness and negligence of other people’s choices. Their lives will be forever changed.

By mapping out the consequences of every choice, we become more conscious of our choices and are more prone to choose what will better benefit those around us and ourselves. By making a choice that puts others above our own desires, we can create a positive ripple effect in our community. It is sad to see that so many people are victimized because people choose to only think about themselves. That mentality needs to change. It simply starts by being aware of the impact of our choices!